Graduate Student

SI Si (2017-2022)

Email: [email protected]

Research interest: Comparative Genomics and Evolution




Si Si joined us as a CLS Ph.D. student in April 2017. Before receiving her B.S. in Animal Science from Jilin University in 2016, she has been involved in projects on the genetics of coat color in the Chinese raccoon dog, farmed Blue fox and Tibetan Mastiff. Such experience has driven her to further pursue a research path in in zoology and genomics. She is currently working on the genomics of morphology and homing navigation in racing pigeons, and also participating in a population genetic project of the fishing cat.


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Luo Lab, School of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China
Tel: +86-10-6275 2307 | E-mail: [email protected]